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Fillable Form MC-030 Declaration

The declaration form MC-030 is used by a party to the proceeding (it can be an attorney, defendant or respondent themselves) to provide the court with any information that is relevant to the case.

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What is the MC-030 Declaration Form?

The MC-030 Declaration form is a California Superior Court form used for legal proceedings by an attorney, respondent, or defendant to provide the court with any relevant information to the case. This form may be attached along with other court documents.

The declaration in this form is sworn to be true and accurate. Anything the judge has to know to make a decision at the hearing should be included in a declaration.

How to fill out the MC-030 Declaration Form?

Get a copy of MC-030 Declaration template in PDF format.

Attorney or Party Without Attorney
Provide your name and address. If you are an attorney, you are required to enter your California State Bar number.

Telephone No.
Enter your telephone number.

Fax No.
Enter your fax number.

Email Address
Provide your email address.

Attorney for
If you are an attorney, fill out this field with the name of the individual or entity you represent

Superior Court of California, County of
Enter the California Superior Court you will submit your declaration to by providing the county.

Street Address
Enter the street address where you will submit your declaration.

Mailing Address
Enter the mailing address where you will submit your declaration.

City and Zip Code
Enter the city and zip code where you will submit your declaration.

Branch Name
Enter the name of the branch where you will submit your declaration.

Provide the name of the plaintiff or petitioner.

Provide the name of the defendant or respondent.

Use the empty field to enter the declaration. Tell your side of the story, give all the needed information, explain your requests, or respond to the declaration of another party to the case.

Case Number
Provide the case number.

Provide the date you signed and completed the document.

Type or Print Name
Provide your full legal name on the space provided.

Signature of Declarant
Provide your signature as the declarant as confirmation that the information in the form is true and correct to the best of your knowledge. Then, at the bottom of the form, check the applicable box to indicate your judicial standing (attorney, plaintiff, petitioner, defendant, or respondent). If not listed, select “other” and specify your judicial standing on the space provided.


MC-031 Declaration forms must be attached to another form or court paper before they become valid in court. There is no limited list of forms or statements which may be accompanied by this form. The MC-031 is a standard form for various judicial declarations. Therefore, its use and submission depend on the individual case.

There is no particular deadline for the submission of the document to the court. The declaration's application depends on the need, and it becomes a part of the case as soon as it is considered by the judge. This court form declaration must be submitted directly to the court in which the proceedings of a particular case are held.


  • Organize your ideas before you complete the document and do not add anything unrelated to the case. Describe specific things and give details about when and where incidents took place.
  • You may add statements from those who have directly witnessed the events to quote for your declarations in order to explain what they saw or heard. You may ask friends, neighbors, relatives, doctors, and others to provide specific information.
  • In creating your declaration, do not forget that the judge gives more weight to a professional or neutral individual than someone who supports only one side of the case.
  • Keep your declaration as an unemotional summary of the facts relevant to the case.
  • For the declaration field, you may begin by listing and summarizing any requested orders. Following this, list and explain each issue that has led you to request the order. Your explanation may include a brief background and description of the situation, an explanation of each specific problem, your proposed solution for each problem, and your reasons for proposing it.
  • If you wish to attach written proofs or records, you may do so. Provide bills, medical records, police records, insurance records, financial statements, and other papers you would like the court to see.
  • In your declaration, notate your declaration with what you are attaching as an exhibit. For example, "See Exhibit A", "See Exhibit B", etc.
  • You may use this form as a template when you prepare a Request for Order (FL-300).
  • One of the forms linked with the MC-030 Declaration form is the MC 031 form. Any applicant that passes through a lawsuit in California uses MC 031 form as a standard declaration form. This is used when the original MC-030 form is out of space for writing. When submitting the MC-031, it must have the attached declaration form MC 031.
  • Take note that this declaration form is different from your affidavit.
  • If you are getting ready for trial, your witnesses will usually appear in person and may not require you to use the MC-030 Declaration form since judges usually do not admit declarations as evidence at a trial. Check your local court rules on this.
  • If you need a declaration for a particular motion, you may need a special form used just for that motion. Verify the special declaration forms needed for a specific motion.
  • You may also check the following related forms online:
    • CR-180 - Petition for Dismissal
    • CR-181 - Order for Dismissal
    • FW-003 - Order On Court Fee Waiver (Superior Court)
    • MC-210 - Defendant's Financial Statement on Eligibility for Appointment of Counsel and Reimbursement and Record on Appeal at Public Expense
    • FL-150 - Proof Of Service form
    • FW-001 - California Court form
    • FL -142 - Summons form
    • FL -320 - Subpoena Duces Tecum
    • FL -100 - California Judicial Council form
    • FL -120 - Temporary guardianship form
    • FL -141 - Civil Case Cover Sheet
    • FL -140 - Adult adoption form
    • FL -145 - Form Interrogatories
    • FL -182 - Judgment Checklist
    • FL -180 - Divorce Judgment form
    • FL -340 - Findings and Orders after Hearing
    • MC -025 - Attachment to Judicial Council Form
    • MC -020 - Additional Page Attachment
    • SC -100 - Plaintiff’s Claim and Order to Go
    • FL -679 - Request for Telephone Appearance
    • FL -165 - Request to Enter Default
    • FL -130 - Appearance, Stipulations, and Waivers

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