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Fillable Form Commission Sales Agreement

A Commission Sales Agreement is a contract between an employer and an employee for work paid on commission.

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What is a Commission Sales Agreement?

A Commission Sales Agreement, or also referred to as the Sales Commission Contract Agreement, is a legal document or contract wherein an individual or a company takes on the role of a Commissions Sales Agent on behalf of an exporting company or an individual businessperson who takes on the role of the Principal.

In a Commission Sales Agreement, the Commission Sales Agent is tasked to introduce the Principal’s products to potential buyers in the external market. In exchange for this, the Commission Sales Agent will receive a commission based on the value of the business deals that have been arranged paid to his or her Principal.

Based on the nature of the Commission Sales Agreement or based on the products being sold, the legal agreement may be an ongoing term or it could also be a one-time thing. To ensure no misunderstandings or problems may arise in the future regarding financial expectations, the terms and conditions of the Commission Sales Agreement must be clearly defined between the Commission Sales Agent and the Principal.

The Commission Sales Agreement must include terms and conditions about the percentage of sales, how the commission structure will be paid; and in case the Principal and the Commission Sales Agent decide to renew their Commission Sales Agreement, the contract must also include terms regarding whether or not the agreed amount might increase or decrease based on the parties’ renewal terms.

A complete Commission Sales Agreement must contain the following information:

  • The effective date of the Commission Sales Agreement
  • The full legal name of the Commission Sales Agent
  • The residence address of the Commission Sales Agent
  • The full legal name of the Principal
  • The residence address of the Principal
  • Agreements between the Principal and the Commission Sales Agent
  • Commission Terms
    • Percentage of the selling price that will be paid to the Commission Sales Agent
  • The effective date and expiration date of the Commission Sales Agreement
    • Start Date
    • End Date
  • Terms and conditions
    • Advertising
    • Non-compete
    • Confidentiality
    • Termination
  • Date of signing
  • The signatures of the parties
    • The signature of the Principal
    • The full legal name of the Principal
    • The signature of the Commission Sales Agent
    • The full legal name of the Commission Sales Agent

How to fill out a Commission Sales Agreement?

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To fill out a Commission Sales Agreement, one must provide the following information:

Effective Date

Enter the date when this Commission Sales Agreement is made and when it will take effect.

Commission Sales Agent Name

Have the Commission Sales Agent enter his or her full legal name.

Commission Sales Agent Address

Have the Commission Sales Agent enter his or her residential address.

Principal Name

Have the Principal enter his or her full legal name.

Principal Address

Have the Principal enter his or her residential address.


In this Commission Sales Agreement, the Commission Sales Agent must be prepared to sell the products on behalf of the Principal in return for a commission. Both the Commission Sales Agent and the Principal must agree to the following statements:

  1. The Principal Agrees to give the Commission Sales Agent the right to sell the products.
  2. The Commission Sales Agent must identify himself or herself as an authorized seller of the Principal.
  3. The price of the products that will be sold must be set by the Principal.
  4. The Commission Sales Agent must exert all of his or her effort to sell the products during the agreed duration in this Commission Sales Agreement.


The Principal must pay the agreed percentage of the selling price of the products to the Commission Sales Agent, those of which are exclusive of sales tax and other taxes.

Percentage of the Selling Price

Enter the percentage of the selling price that the Principal must pay to the Commission Sales Agent.

In this Commission Sales Agreement, the Commission Sales Agent will not be entitled to any kind of compensation for the services performed or expenses incurred in connection with this agreement other than the terms and conditions that were set out in the contract.


The terms will include all of the agreements made by the Principal and the Commission Sales Agent.

Start Date

Enter the date when the Commission Sales Agreement will take effect.

End Date

Enter the date when the Commission Sales Agreement will end.


In this Commission Sales Agreement, the Principal must provide the Commission Sales Agent with some advertising tools and materials for the demonstration of the products to help aid the Commission Sales Agent in selling the said products for the duration of the Selling Rights.


In this Commission Sales Agreement, the Commission Sales Agent should not sell, represent, and assist anyone to sell any products that compete with the Principal’s products for the whole duration of the Selling Rights and for the calendar year immediately following the termination of the Selling Rights.


In this Commission Sales Agreement, the Commission Sales Agent must keep the Principal’s business trade secrets, industry knowledge, customer information, supplier information, and research and development information a secret. This knowledge must remain confidential and must not be disclosed to any other parties even after the end or termination of the Commission Sales Agreement.


In this Commission Sales Agreement, the said contract may be terminated at any time by either of the parties, namely the Commission Sales Agent and the Principal, upon written notice to the party. Furthermore, the Commission Sales Agent must immediately cease to describe himself or herself as an authorized Sales Agent of the Principal.

By signing this Commission Sales Agreement, both the Principal and the Commission Sales Agent agree to the terms and conditions stated above and will hereby execute the agreement as of the current date.

Date of Signing

Enter the date of signing.

Principal Signature

Have the Principal affix his or her signature.

Principal Name

Have the Principal enter his or her full legal name.

Commission Sales Agent Signature

Have the Commission Sales Agent affix his or her signature.

Commission Sales Agent Name

Have the Commission Sales Agent enter his or her full legal name.

Start filling out a Commission Sales Agreement sample and export in PDF.

Frequently Asked Questions About a Commission Sales Agreement

How do I make a commission agreement?

There are a few things you'll need to include in your commission agreement in order to make it legally binding:

  • The names and addresses of both parties involved in the agreement.
  • A description of the services to be provided by the party being commissioned.
  • The amount of money or percentage of sales that will be paid to the commissioned party as compensation.
  • The timeframe in which the services are to be provided (this can be either a set period of time or an ongoing arrangement).
  • Any other relevant terms and conditions, such as those regarding confidentiality or ownership of materials created during the course of the agreement.

Once you have all of this information, you can draft up your commission agreement using a template or online service, or have an attorney do it for you. Once it's been signed by both parties, it will be legally binding and can be used as evidence in court if necessary.

What should a commission sales agreement include?

A commission sales agreement is a contract between an employer and employee that outlines the terms of the employee's compensation. This type of agreement is common in sales positions, where employees are typically paid a commission based on their sales performance. The agreement should include the following:

  • The employer's name and contact information — This is typically the company name and address, along with the name and contact information of a representative from the company (such as a human resources manager or supervisor).
  • A description of the employee's duties — This should be a general overview of what the employee will be responsible for, as well as any specific tasks or objectives that are part of their job.
  • The commission structure — This is how the employee will be compensated for their sales and should include details such as the percentage of sales that will be commissions or a fixed amount for each sale.
  • The term of the agreement — This is how long the agreement will last and can either be set for a specific period of time (such as one year) or can be open-ended.
  • The signature line — This is where the employer and employee will sign and date the agreement.
  • Any other relevant terms or conditions — This could include things such as confidentiality clauses or non-compete clauses.

The commission sales agreement is a key part of the employment relationship between an employer and an employee in a sales position. It ensures that both parties are clear on the terms of the employee's compensation, and can help to avoid any misunderstandings or disputes down the road. Having a well-written agreement in place can help protect both the employer and employee and ensure everyone is on the same page from the start.

What is the purpose of a commission sales agreement?

A commission sales agreement is a contract between an employer and employee that details the Commission structure the employee will work under. This type of agreement is most commonly used in sales-based jobs, such as real estate or insurance. The agreement should lay out what percentage of the sale the employee will receive as commission, when they will be paid (usually after the customer has paid), and any other relevant terms.

A commission sales agreement protects both the employer and the employee by setting clear expectations for each party. For the employer, it ensures that they are only paying out commissions on actual sales, and not on leads or prospects that never result in a sale. For the employee, it provides clarity on how their compensation works, which can help motivate them to close more sales. Having a commission sales agreement in place can also help prevent disputes down the road.

Without a commission sales agreement, an employer and an employee may have different understandings of how commissions will be paid out. This can lead to frustration and conflict, and could even result in legal action. A commission sales agreement can help avoid all of this by providing clear terms that both parties can agree to. In cases when a commission sales agreement is breached, it can also provide a way to resolve the dispute.

While commission sales agreements are most commonly used in sales jobs, they can be used in other situations as well. For example, an artist may use a commission sales agreement to sell their work, or a musician may use one to sell their music. In these cases, the agreement would detail how much of the sale the artist or musician will receive as commission.

Commission sales agreements can be simple or complex, depending on the situation. However, all should include basic information such as the names of the parties involved, the terms of the agreement, and signatures from both parties.

If you are considering using a commission sales agreement, or if you are already using one, it is important to have the agreement reviewed by a lawyer to ensure that it is legally binding. This will help protect both you and your employees in the event of any disputes.

Who uses a commission sales agreement?

A commission sales agreement is typically used by businesses that sell products or services through commissioned salespeople. This type of agreement outlines the terms of the relationship between the business and the salesperson, including commissions, performance goals, and other important details.

Using a commission sales agreement can help ensure that both the business and the salesperson are clear on the terms of their relationship, and can help avoid any misunderstandings down the road. This type of agreement can also help protect both parties' interests.

Whether you're a business owner looking to hire commissioned salespeople, or you're a salesperson looking to work with a new company, it's crucial to have a clear and concise commission sales agreement in place. This document can help to ensure that everyone is on the same page, and can help to avoid any misunderstandings or problems down the road.

If you're a business owner, there are a few things you'll want to keep in mind when drafting a commission sales agreement. First, you'll need to decide what type of commission structure you'll be using. There are many different options available, so it's important to choose the one that's right for your business. You'll also need to decide how commissions will be paid out, and what, if any, performance goals will be set for the salesperson.

Once you've decided on the details of the agreement, it's important to put everything in writing. This will help to ensure that both parties understand and agree to the terms of the agreement. The written agreement should be clear and concise and should include all of the important details of the arrangement.

Both the business owner and the salesperson should sign and date the agreement, and each party should keep a copy for their records.

A commission sales agreement can be a helpful tool for businesses and salespeople alike. By clearly outlining the terms of the relationship, this type of agreement can help to avoid misunderstandings and problems down the road.

When should you use a commission sales agreement?

There are a few circumstances when you might want to use a commission sales agreement. For example, if you're hiring someone to sell your products or services, you'll likely want to use this type of agreement so that there's a clear understanding of the terms of the sale and the compensation structure. This agreement can also be used if you're hiring someone to represent your company at trade shows or other events.

Another time you might want to use a commission sales agreement is if you're investing in a product or service and you want to receive a percentage of the profits from sales. This type of arrangement is often used in real estate ventures.

Regardless of the reason you're using a commission sales agreement, it's important to make sure that all the terms are clearly spelled out so that there's no confusion later on. This agreement should include the following:

  • The parties involved in the agreement
  • A description of the products or services being sold
  • The commission rate or structure
  • The term of the agreement
  • Any other relevant details about the sale

By having a clear and concise commission sales agreement, you can avoid any misunderstandings down the road. This document can protect both you and the person you're working with, so it's worth taking the time to create one.

How do you structure a sales commission plan?

There is no one perfect way to structure a sales commission plan - the best approach will vary depending on your specific business needs and goals. However, there are some key elements that should be included in any effective sales commission plan:

  • Clarity on what Sales Activities will generate commissions;
  • A definition of what constitutes a Sale;
  • How much commission will be paid out for each Sale;
  • When commissions will be paid (e.g. weekly, monthly); and
  • Any other relevant Terms and Conditions.

By including these key elements in your sales commission plan, you can help ensure that it is clear, concise, and easy to understand for all involved parties. This can help avoid misunderstandings and conflict down the line and help keep your sales team motivated and focused on achieving their targets.

What is a sales commission policy?

A sales commission policy is a set of guidelines that dictate how commissions are paid out to employees. This can include what percentage of a sale is eligible for commission, when commissions are paid out (e.g. monthly or quarterly), and how clawbacks work (if any).

There are many different ways to structure a sales commission policy, and the best way will depend on your business' products, services, and sales cycle. Ultimately, you want to design a system that motivates your sales team and helps you hit your targets.

Some businesses opt to pay a base salary plus commission, while others only offer commission-based pay. There are pros and cons to both approaches - it's important to weigh them carefully before making a decision.

If you're not sure where to start, there are plenty of resources and templates available online to help you create a sales commission policy that works for your business.

In general, a sales commission policy should be clear, concise, and easy to understand. It should also be flexible enough to accommodate different sales scenarios. For example, you may want to offer a higher commission rate for new customers, or for big-ticket items.

Whatever approach you take, make sure your sales team is on board with the plan. The last thing you want is for your commission policy to backfire and end up demotivating your team.

What are some of the benefits of having a sales commission policy?

There are several benefits of having a sales commission policy in place:

  • It provides clarity and certainty for employees regarding how their pay is determined. This can help reduce confusion and disputes down the line.
  • It sets expectations for employees in terms of what they need to do to earn a commission. This can help them stay focused and motivated.
  • It helps businesses plan and budget for sales commissions. This can avoid financial surprises later on.
  • It can help businesses attract and retain top sales talent. A well-designed commission policy can be a powerful tool for recruiting and retaining the best salespeople.
  • It can improve overall team performance by aligning employee incentives with company goals. When employees are properly incentivized, they're more likely to work hard and achieve results that benefit the business as a whole.
  • It can boost morale by making employees feel like their efforts are being fairly compensated. This can lead to a more positive and productive work environment.
  • It can help businesses keep track of sales performance and progress over time. This data can be used to make informed decisions about future commission payments.

What are some things to consider when creating a sales commission policy?

There are a few things to keep in mind when creating a sales commission policy:

  • What is your business' overall sales strategy? Your commission policy should align with your company's sales goals and objectives.
  • What products or services are being sold? Commission rates may vary depending on the type of product or service being sold.
  • Who will be selling the products or services? You'll need to decide whether to offer commission to all employees or just sales staff.
  • How often will sales be made? Commissions can be paid out on a regular basis (e.g. monthly or quarterly) or as sales are made.
  • What is the average value of a sale? This will help you determine what percentage of a sale should be eligible for commission.
  • Are there any restrictions or exclusions? For example, you may want to exclude returns or cancellations from commission calculations.
  • How will clawbacks work? A clawback provision allows businesses to recoup commissions that have already been paid out if certain conditions are not met.
  • What other incentives or bonuses are being offered? It's important to consider how commissions fit into your overall compensation strategy.
  • Are there any legal or tax implications to consider? Be sure to consult with a lawyer or accountant to ensure your commission policy is compliant with all applicable laws.

A sales commission policy can be a great way to incentivize employees and improve team performance. However, it's important to carefully consider all of the factors involved before putting one in place. Once you've created a policy, make sure to communicate it clearly to all employees and provide ongoing training as needed.

Who is the principal in a commission agreement?

The principal in a commission agreement is the person who appoints the agent and who is represented by the agent. The principal can be an individual or a company.

For a company, the principal is usually the board of directors. For an individual, the principal can be anyone who has the legal authority to appoint an agent, such as a parent or guardian appointing a child's tutor.

What is a good commission percentage for sales?

The commission percentage you offer to your sales team should be based on a number of factors, including the average value of each sale and the complexity of the sales process. In general, a good commission percentage for sales is between 10 and 20 percent. If you are just starting out, you may want to offer a lower percentage until your business becomes more established. As your business grows, you can increase the commission percentage to keep your sales team motivated.

Do not forget to also offer other incentives, such as bonuses for achieving certain sales goals. This will help keep your sales team focused and motivated to sell your products or services.

What is a straight commission plan?

A straight commission plan is a type of compensation structure where employees are only paid based on their performance in terms of sales or revenue generation. This means that there is no guaranteed salary or hourly wage, and employees may only receive commissions if they are able to generate sufficient sales. This can be a risky arrangement for both employers and employees, as it can lead to unstable incomes and job insecurity. However, it can also incentivize employees to work harder in order to generate more sales and earn higher commissions. In some cases, employers may offer additional bonuses or incentives based on employee performance.

Is commission based on sales or profit?

There is no definitive answer to this question as it depends on the company's commission structure. However, in general, a commission is usually based on sales rather than profit. This means that if a salesperson sells a product for $100 and the company's profit margin on that product is 10%, the salesperson would earn a commission of $10. If the salesperson sold the same product for $120, they would earn a commission of $12.

Some companies may base commission on profit instead of sales. In this case, the commission would be based on the amount of profit generated from the sale. For example, if a salesperson sold a product for $100 and the company's profit margin on that product was 10%, the salesperson would earn a commission of $10. However, if the salesperson sold the same product for $110, they would earn a commission of $11 (10% of the $110 in profit). The main advantage of basing commission on profit is that it incentivizes salespeople to sell more expensive products, as they will receive a higher commission for doing so.

At the end of the day, it is up to the company to decide whether to base commission on sales or profit. There are pros and cons to both approaches, so it ultimately comes down to what makes the most sense for the business.

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